Expleened: Dishonored
- Опубликовано: 17 мар 2025
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Video description: Corvo did a whoopsie and now he gotta undoopsie to get back his honoroopsie.
Cup: 10% everything at gamersupps.gg/... and get the mood cup.
Twitter: nethistorian
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Streets Exploration - Dishonored OST
Intro The Return - Dishonored OST
Symphony of the Void - Divinity Origin Sin 2 OST
A Barrier to Get Over - Ao no Kiseki OST
The Great Straying Suspense - The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles OST
Daud Encounter - Dishonored OST
Streets Suspense - Dishonored OST
I'm Grimcats! - Trails Through Daybreak OST
Back Alley Sign - Trails Through Daybreak OST
Biggie - ALBIS (YT Audio Library)
Spy Suite - Quincas Moreira (YT Audio Library)
Challenge Quest β - Shin Megami Tensei IV OST
Danger Snow - Dan Henig (YT Audio Library)
Polymetric Juggling - Divkid (YT Audio Library)
Always by Your Side - Trails of Cold Steel IV OST
The Dream Continues - Trails in the Sky SC OST
Millennium Fortress - Trails of Cold Steel IV OST
Flooded Exploration - Dishonored OST
Humans, Demons, and... - Shin Megami Tensei V OST Игры
D... Did they just totally skip over the fact that Corvo got super powers from a extra - dimensional goth boy?
yeah glossing over the outsider bit really is an odd choice
that's why it's expleened
Tbf, outside of some vagueness and kinda one boss fight. The emo hot topic god isn’t really important to the story. You can just say that Corvo can just do this stuff and nothing will be lost. The outsider is more important in the DLCs and the squeal.
he's just quirky like that
They should really mention him, that way we can get a better Outsider lore from expleened rather than the hideous butchering that is the sequel.
Nothing feels better than seeing a new storymode upload in the middle of watching an old storymode video
Within two weeks of the last one as well.
so you have the power as well?
whenever I binge a channel all day, that channel uploads a new video.
but this time it wasn't me, so thanks mate.
let's binge the main channel 😂🤣
I literally just came here from the mgs1 video lol
storymodeception. or storinception. or storyminception. i'm not good with words. but think mr.dicarprio and storymode had a lovechild.
I've seen every Internet Historian related vid / stream over 30 times. I dont go down the SuiSlide bc this guy
Everyone at my son’s wedding is telling me to stop watching this at full volume during the vows… these normies just don’t understand the excitement a Storymode fan feels when a new video drops…
If you make it to the reception without being thrown out, it ain't a real wedding.
i thought this one sucked honestly, like shooting the NPCs everytime was funny once maybe twice, by the third mission it was so predictable i couldnt finish the video
Time to take them out of your will.
On your feet, dad.
Shooting Boyle was actually so fucking hilarious they did fine. I think they were talking about cannon as well so maybe he does actually kill them in the sequels or whatever
@@matthewgratson6864sound like a you problem
Now that you expleened a game I actually played, I can truly appreciate how unredeemebly awful your expleening is.
It's perfect expleening, which makes it perfect explaining. Or the other way around, that's details though
Of course they are explain the story horribly because they were trying hard to be funny 😅
@@GreenEyedDazzler Yeah, any problems with that, green eye jizzler man?
1:29 “Corvo, you’re back!”
(Block blind jab. Discombobulate)
Fantastic comment. I can immediately picture the mashinima of this.
47:14 Huge missed opportunity to say it's "kind of the assassin's creed"
IH avoiding that MGS2 expleened video for more than a year now, I see.
He still waiting for a cutscene to end.
Maybe he is just being sneaky about it, or maybe he put it in a box and forgot about it 😏
He released the video on a secret channel no one knows about yet. Trust my Dad works at Storymode.
I rather have Metal Gear 1 and 2 explained, the original version with real actors likeness 😊
Honestly, if I had to explain the lore of a character named Fatman, and on the background show a fight where he's trying to win by way of rollerblading-powered bomb hide&seek against you shooting him in the head at close range with a handgun, I'd postpone that thing right up to the next decade.
This reminds me of the time I felt dishonored when i said "you too" to the waiter who told me enjoy my food.
He surely had honored you with that dish
Kind of like walking the same way together after already saying goodbye, for shame.
Reminds me of dishonor I felt saying "I love you" at the end of a phone call with my boss.
Or when you ask someone how they are and they say "good and you?' and then you reply "good and you?"
This game is honestly a blast to play. When you get the powers down pat, you feel like badass zipping around levels. But I feel like for this video they should've had Corvo do a no powers run since they didn't even mention the Outsider. I think it would've been funnier if they tried to make it seem like the supernatural stuff didn't exist at all.
It's a Christmas miracle! 2 story modes in 1 year!
Aw yes. A Christmas Story 2. Wait, we wanted this?
Dishonored? Hardly know hor
Thats so bad its good😭
Am I dumb I don't get it
Almost pulled it off. It was almost there and you knew it wasn't 100% good to go, but you still wanted recognition for the almost joke. I firmly disapprove.
@@jasonbuster5503 lmao
@@dobrx6199 yes
This is possibly the best dishonoured rage bait ever made.
I can't believe you skipped over the pivotal scene where Corvo creeps on Callista while she's taking a bath.
They didn’t? They put it in the thumbnail
Thought that was Piero
@@ADR69 Both, one after the other
Calista should just bathe fully clothed
The battle was lost before it began. Corvo could never beat off more than two dudes at once.
Listen here: if you get another 2 guys to dock with the first 2, you can finish off 4 guys at once!
"You got feet, don't'chya?"
@@rylanasher4756 OK OK, if he's been practicing his toe-curls MAYBE Corvo could beat off four dudes
"I saw him beat of four men at once in the courtyard. Guy's a whirlwind"
You said good ending, proceeds to stop time and kill all targets in the blink of an eye with occult magic and a sharp fidget toy instead of neutralising them passively, I think that’s very dishonourable MR H
but he left the plebs alive but possibly paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of their miserable lives
@@neoncyberia thought the same thing
"I definitely blinked out" made me cough coffee out of my nose and I couldn't breathe for a full minute, thanks guys
"We're here to save you from a single parent household"
How nice of Centrelink to step in and help out.
The name Centrelink sounds like something straight out of a dystopian Sci-fi or something, like they're going to take your kids and hook them up to a giant computer for "reprogramming", or something. lol
Lol not too far off🤣. It's Australia's unemployment/social services govt department.
It's an Immersive Sim. That means it simulates immersion. You know what else simulates immersion? Water-boarding.
A video game where the character gets baptized.
This is a bountiful month indeed! By the way, Happy Birthday Storymode.
Happy Almost Birthday
But what is the Morphogenic Engine?
frank walker from national tiles over the speaker woke me up from my nap absolutely incredulous. i havent heard that Ad in YEARS
Dishonorably Discharged.
That's what made Emily.
Penicillin works wonders for that
A lot of the games on this channel arent worth playing but I really highly recommend this game.
Gameplay, atmosphere, sound, graphics, story.
It is fantastic.
And then come the sequel that wasnt as good but not as bad as what come after that (standalone expansion) and ... its worst then that, he's dead Jim.
They might parade the corpse as Dishonored 3 after they give it to MachineGames or another Micorsoft studio but its dead.
But Dishonoured 1 stands as a good game on its own, forget everything that came after
I honestly don't know if it's a widely-held opinion, but the sequels were really fun for me.
Dishonored 2 has two of my favorite levels in all of the video games I've played. A Crack In The Slab and The Clockwork Mansion were absolutely mesmerizing to me on my first pass, regardless of how meh the story attached to them actually was.
I also thought Death of the Outsider was a fun romp, if shorter than 1 and 2. I'm a sucker for the whole franchise though.
@@drakron I thought both the 2nd game and the expansion were fun. The biggest scare I have ever had in a game was when I accidentaly found out that you can teleport "inside" an NPC and explode them from within in the expansion.
L take 🤡
More like DEEZhonored amirite?
No you're not right
Ayyyyyyy ahahaaaaaa
55:15 “your honor, this cant be my kid, I made sure I blinked out in time”
Rat plague, Rat explaining story. Oh it's all coming together!
Ratshaker expleened.
i wish zuck were here to hear this
I remember going for all the achievements back in the day for this game, one run, never got seen, no kills, no powers except blink. Great game
The Loyalists: Hey everyone, we saved Emily from Corvo, who killed the empress!
Emily: I was there. No, he didn't. Guards, arrest these men.
What a stupid plan.
Yeah, greed often makes people illogical
@@danieltukua4527 that's not illogical, it's stupid
I am so damn excited for this!!!! Literally one of my favorite games of all time, I ain’t ever enjoyed a franchise like Dishonored in a hot minute too.
The thing I love about this game is that you don't really need to kill anyone, not even the main villains. Each have a side objective that screws them over instead. Branding Cambell with a traitor mark or revealing the plagues origin for that other guy etc.
3:35 Most accurate protrayal of Child Protective Services I have ever seen.
Your editing skills have improved greatly overtime, I feel like the way you made the gameplay sections be more cinematic by using the free roam camera is such a great touch! 🔥 very underrated you guys
55:15 dont forget kids, blinking out and praying is not a good form of birth control, you should always have protection when you blink
Never blink unprotected
God I remember being called an accidental blink before.
Going up the stairs on all fours is just efficient. Going *down* the stairs on all fours is a power move.
editing is cohesive and funny. love to see the quality getting better always
Aw sweet the poor mans Bioshock. Can't wait to watch.
booooo bad opinion booooo
Bioshock, the poor mans System Shock?
55:25 "That's the last Storymode"?! 😱
i would die
How tf you got to comment 14h ago? It says video has been out for 9 seconds
How is this comment 14 hours old when the vid just uploaded lmao
How is this comment 14 hours old?!
I've played this game at least half a dozen times, from full Pacifist to absolute destruction, And I have NEVER had a gameplay experience like this. Also, how could you skip every interesting character in the game? The Ghost-boy giving us the powers? The rat-lady? the gang-leader? these were the most insane characters in the game and absolutely hilarious to interact with.
“Hi, my name is Corvo”
“Ahhhhh… no it’s not”
12:31 Taunting us with the sweet release of blue balls and milk, knowing that to skip ahead will spoil the suprise. Devious IH, truely devious.
I found the symbolism somewhat disturbing, to be honest.
New Story Time! That was earlier than expected!
That said, as i mentioned in the Sherlock Holmes Video, i definitely would love Story Mode to cover especially L.A. Noire (all of it) and also other Sherlock Holmes Games and their Cases
Story Mode has the perfect Type of Humor for those Types of Games!
Prost & Cheers from Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Alps
No one cares dude, they'll do what they want and you'll like it
@@jasonbuster5503 Nice projection, now go eat ze bugs and be thankful for it.
I'd love to be over there, snow is a lot rarer in Spain
You want a Massage and some fries with that
I'm not going to watch until Christmas. thank you for the early Christmas Present Mr. B and Mr. Z!
"No, that's crazy, I definitely blinked out" is wild lmfaoooo
I'm so glad storymode is doing dishonored it's one of my favorite stealth games and I'd love to see yall potentially do dishonored 2 as well sometime in the future
IH innovating on the ad time methods yet again. The beads in a hanging glass jar got my little monkey brain to sit through the ad without fast forwarding. Absolutely brilliant
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth next!
I will buy 1,000 Historian Cups and one crowbar
then I will PERSONALLY put one under EVERY X-mas tree in my neighborhood in the dead of night.
You two have the best dynamic, my excitement when i see a new episode is actually ridiculous
holy shit we are so back storymode of the best game
I remember this game from over a decade ago because all my friends were calling it the poor man's Bioshock.
I'm just kidding, I don't have friends.
2:39 Bald guy is so bald the bloom practically camouflages the bald portion of his head
I can't believe no mention is made of how Corvo keeps trying to put his mask on backwards every time he puts it on
Holy smokes this is insanely good quality, deserves way more recognition. Very good video
the possibilities granted by the mixing of mechanics were unbelievable at the time and still put new games to shame
Yeah it's a really good game
If you like the mechanics of Dishonored then you should go play the old Thief games (especially 2: The Metal Age). They are quite aged so not so great graphics and you need mods to make them run on new hardware. But they're the gold standard of these imsim games.
And the thing is, that doesn't even really require in depth game design. Just for each mechanic to be well made and and for there to be no arbitrary restrictions. Look at Breath of the Wild and the sequel. Most of the wacky shit you can do wasn't specifically programmed in, it's just a side effect good game design (Yeah you have to actively program it so that one effect can interact with another, but once you've done that, the possibilities are endless.) Though not as good as this, the studio's final game before shutting down, Deathloop, has some wild shit you can do. (If you find yourself thinking there was any game after Deathloop, you imagined it.)
Don't forget Gloomwood
@@dio2076 im bout to GLOOOOM
This is the best way to keep me around during an ad read ever. Nobbleberry is put to shame
This was indeed a very honorable dish.
where have you been?!
no seriously i didn't know you existed before; but this is the best explanation of Dishonored ive seen that doesn't feel like an essay.
I was literally just binging the playlist thanks for considering me man
I guess you could say those "Loyalists" were DIS-loyal after all.
Shall we gather for whiskey, cigars, and Storymode tonight?
indeed, i believe so.
As long as I get my own squad.
Blow off, Choffer.
Could the city get any worse?
I'm a big fan of the "A gun! *bang*" at 3:45. Best crossover 2024.
I just started playing Dishonored like two days ago, so it's kinda funny that you uploaded this, as if you're watching me.
Unless... YOU'RE IN MY WALLS!?
That's just what they want you to think.
the outsider being outside the script
47:15 'its kind of the assassins creed' come on lads it was right there
2 story mode uploads in a month? It’s a Christmas miracle! I hope for new years Mr Z will finally let me see my family!
That "we're here to save you from a single parent household" was pure gold.
3:46 He has to what?
So much story mode in such a little time. I still demand more!
I'm so happy people are remembering how amazing Dishonored is
I'm gonna be honest, this video brought back a lot of bad memories for me. Dishonored was a 3/10 game at the time of release, which makes it look like a masterpiece compared to the current offerings of the western gaming industry.
@utarefson9 sound like you just hate video games 😂😂😂
I love vidya. Thats exactly why people being content with or even praising the mediocrity bothers me so much.
@@utarefson9damn if this is 3/10 ID like to Know which ganes RUclips recommend
THE BEST AD I have ever considered to skip, thanks for the replay.
If you go into Emily’s room at the Pub there’s a drawing of Corvo with her calling him daddy in it.
"He's bald, and he wears a black coat."
"Oh, the worst."
Very well played, IH.
i don't get it
Me neither
@@ob2kenobi388 Hbomber
So we're just going to ignore the fact that the game takes place in the fkn plague and theres a fkn rat doing the fkn storymode??
Oh ok.
That's too smart and funny of an observation for IH.
@@psycholuigimanTheir avatars are literally near a horde of rats while talking.
@@psycholuigimanyou should look up dunning krueger
Top 10 undiscovered conspiracies
31:48 You just gave me the biggest PTSD episode with this. That shit was inescapable on the radio.
Dishonored? I’d rather play Dathonored.
I like how they say in the beginning that they want the good ending and then they proceed to kill everyone.
Dishonored is one of my favorite game series, such a classic
Are the sequels good? I only played the first
@noodlebrains2689 Dishonored 2 visually is more fleshed out than the first, however the first has more in terms of routes you can take to complete the game.
I don’t think I’ve ever stayed till the end of an ad as much as I stayed till the end of that ad.
Why did you not talk about the outsider? I feel like telling the story of dishonored without the outsider is like telling the story of Lord of the Rings but without the ring, Deus Ex without cybernetics or Stranger Things but nevermind mind powers or that one weird bald girl. I feel like im being target trolled here, why is no one in the comments talking about this?
I was wondering about that, they just skip the outsider and then corvo just has powers now I guess?
Their skipping around didn’t help them this time lol
Its dishonorable.
I’ll be honest the first game has a MESS of a story with way too many villains and political twists that amount to nothing
Dishonored without that twink would have been equally good, if not better. Completely unnecessary character.
4:54 Don'tcha think? It's like rain Corvo, on your wedding day.
awww no mention of the interdimensional edge lord that was his stalker?😢😢
3:58 And this is why there's at least a dozen bodyguards protecting one person.
two videos in two weeks, i'm scared
Whoever does the music selection for these vids: I most certainly appreciate your regular use of Trails/Kiseki tracks!
This game was so good. Only problem is theres not enough non lethal tools which makes it very annoying to go for those achivements
I can’t believe you didn’t do the non-lethal options. They are so much worse than death.
Ok now do it again with every possible assassination variant.
12:31 - It was very fortunate that there existed stock footage of blue balls in milk in a glass vase hanging by string with an approaching pair of scissors. They really do have stock footage for every possible scenario!
“Hi, I’m Corvo”
“I’m Jesamine”
“Look, if neither of us is going to take this seriously then I may as well just go home”
I'm super happy to watch these videos. Makes my day, Merry Christmas.
"Did someone blink a baby inside her? I definitely blinked out." Oh my God, no, you didn't just say that out loud 🤣
This is my worst nightmare. I did not need to get off work and see you uploaded a video picking apart of my favorite franchise.
Who up storying they mode rn?
I only story my Dads mode while the dog watches.
The editing in this is done so well. This better not be the last expleened
Edging me to watch the ad. Clever boy.
Thank you oh great Expleenator! Your videos are like fresh Skooma and I can't stop rewatching them
"I definitely blinked out" ROFL I love y'all at Storymode
"I definitely blinked out" absolutely killed me xD I love you guys
Why pretend the loyalists caught sokolov? Why pretend the hound pits was abandoned after the betrayal?
I really like that each major kill has unique animation.