Scaling Salads: How We Launched One of Our Most Impactful Tech Features for Success
Sweetgreen is quickly transforming into a food brand enabled by tech. As part of our mission to connect people to real food, we are one of the first food brands to build a delivery channel on our own platform. When initially thinking through the release process, not only did we want to position the native delivery feature for success, but also every subsequent, "big-impact" feature. Ultimately, our delivery team decided to leverage feature flags through LaunchDarkly, in order to support a canary rollout and take advantage of numerous other benefits arising from continuous delivery. As we started to build out the delivery feature, our team had a variety of business and technical requirements, from geographical user segmentation to a flexible development workflow. Through feature flags, we were able to satisfy these requirements and power a beta launch in Los Angeles. Over December 2019, our beta launch allowed us to gather important customer feedback and implement improvements, which paved the way for a successful fleet-wide roll out in January. Today, our delivery channel is an important contributor towards our overall business, allowing us to connect people to real food, wherever they are. Through building the delivery feature, our organization embedded important practices around feature flags and canary releases, which will support sweetgreen for years to come.

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