the older games they seemed to try and cram in as much content as possible to each pack and there was a lot more creativity. the sims 4 it seems like they've just turned it into a "micro" transaction game (even though the transactions aren't exactly micro)
I feel like it's because in TS2 and 3 they couldn't just go back and edit it because you couldn't really update those games whereas it doesn't matter if TS4 is broken or barely has stuff. They'll just make us think they'll fix it (which they rarely do) as there is the option to do so... And capitalism at its peak of course
@@myra0224 that makes sense i never really thought about that. Its sad to see the sims go down the path its on but I just hope they have learned their lesson from all the backlash. I doubt it though. :/ Maybe sims 5 will be better, atleast I hope. the games used to have so much personality
EA has been proven right since players keep buying their add-ons instead of demanding more content in the big EPs. It's like they took the Sims 3 store and monetized it even more by packaging everything up.
It’s amazing to realize that TS4 has as absurd amount of packs, yet it feels like there’s so little to do on the game in comparison to TS2. The packs get old and boring so quickly it’s infuriating.
You didn't do Seasons justice, it was my favorite sims 2 pack ^^ You had sprinklers and greenhouses for gardening, and plantsims, which were so much fun ! You could also edit the seasons for each world, it introduced fishing, it added six different careers. I just loved the world, it felt so homely and cute !
I love the Seasons in Sims 2 as well it was my favorite Expansion pack in the entire series and still is I wished they would redo the Sims 2 eventually but they probably won't I have so many Sims 2 memories as well but yeah again I love the season pack and am.happy to hear I'm not the only one hehe ^^
That's what I've been always saying, The Sims 4's problems began when they started to split previously big DLCs into smaller ones so they can earn more money. I don't care about the "when it's in a seperate pack it's more polished and detailed" because anyone who's played the game knows it's not true. They've been scamming people and getting away with it for years. I can choose one expansion pack from TS2 or TS3 and it will offer much more things than any expansion pack for TS4 or couple of game and stuff packs combined. It's just sad because back in the day you knew that if you bought an expansion pack you'd be getting tons of cool clothes, furniture and gameplay. Not to mention worlds, houses, families and STORIES. Sure, it was never flawless, but it's never been as bad as the TS4 experience.
Honestly, I just played TS3 again and had so much fun even though it's an ugly af game. Then I thought I'd go check up on my Sims in TS4 and I was so bored?? Literally all I do in that game is go to work, come home and take care of the needs and go to bed. I never know what to do on a free day because I hate the loading screens... They need the open world from TS3, the visuals from TS4 and the gameplay from TS2 and 3 to bring this game to life again because I want a life simulator that's actually fun again
@@myra0224 I agree with you except the visuals of TS4. They need to scrap the clay looking Spyro graphics. Even the pasted on grass doesn’t look right. They can do so much better with today’s technology.
"when it's in a seperate pack it's more polished and detailed" - that's the narrative lilsimsie pushes all the time, don't get me wrong i love kayla but she never played ts2 in depth so i dont think she has say in this
I recently played the sims 2 life stories and could not believe how much better the sims 2 restaurants worked than sims 4 everything just worked instantly and nothing went wrong Also open for business was one of the best packs and worked so well
what annoys me most about the business / restaurant system in sims 4 is that 1. i cant open a store at the place where i live (which u could in sims 2) and 2. if i own a restaurant i can only be its manager and not the cook or server or anything, whereas i could do any or all roles in the sims 2
Let’s also not forget that after nightlife came out… They eventually sold the base game combined with nightlife for the same price so that way players were getting all of the same benefits from nightlife, even if they just started the game
Seasons in the sims 2 does have green houses, gardening, plant people,etc. and the flower arranging came in open for biz. Bon Voyage and Open for Business are my favorite packs! I do also love how in free time you can max hobbies and go to the new worlds for the hobby.
What i like about sims 2 hobbies is the more your sim participates in their hobby, the more they become passionate about it. The higher their levels of interest, the more it will impact their socialization and relationships. Their interest in different hobbies will fluctuate, depending on how much time they spend engaging with it. It just adds even more dynamic to each Sims individual personality. For example, Daniel, Lilith and Angela pleasant typically have Sports as their one true hobby, while Mary Sue is music and dance. While Dan and the girls will more autonomously, engage in and talk about sports with one another, they will also roll more wants to do so as well. This leads Dan’s relationship with the girls to typically grow to be better than Mary Sue ever will unless you put in more work
Another thing with Open for Business is that if you play rotationally, if another family you are not currently playing buys an item in your current family's retail store, they will actually HAVE the item that they bought when you switch over to them. It doesn't really matter if you don't play rotationally but I still thinks it's cool that they actually obtain the item that they paid for.
I think it's the same logic that if you create random families and put on the same world there's a chance of seeing them around or the teens-kids befriending their kids on school, and it's a relationship chart saved on both parties.
This video encapsulates exactly why TS2 is the best sims game Edit: I’d just like to add that EPs were $20 back in TS2. Half the price of current EPS and about three times the content. Edit 2: Freetime was my favorite EP and I’m still waiting for a hobbies/after school activities pack for CHILDREN in TS4.
Freetime is probably my favorite sims pack, too. I love all the new things it brings to my sims and all the things they can do with it. Best care in the game, too. Not the prettiest, but two sims (I usually would have a parent and child) can work on it together, then when it’s done it becomes a fully functional car you can keep and drive places, woohoo in, etc, or you can sell. Love that car.
If I recall correctly, I believe the base game was $49, expansions were $29 and stuff packs were $19. But towards the end you could get the collections (2 SPs and an EP) for $30.
I believe they were actually $30+ when they first came out, and with inflation, it would be more expensive than it is today. I always made sure to ask for one expansion pack on Christmas 😂
Sims 2 seasons, you could pick the seasons for each world and I miss that. I was so disappointed you couldn't in this one. It makes no sense for the two desert towns to have blizzards and snow storms. I also miss placing houses and lots where you wanted if there was room in the sims 2.
You could also create your own neighborhood templates with Sim City 4 which was really cool. Honestly, I think if EA did a similar thing with Sim City (2013) and Sims 4 instead of the route they went down with both of them, Sims 4 players would have boosted the sales of Sim City by quite a bit.
I loved having more control over weather then we have now. That way you also have more control over your own stories. Sometimes I would love a good super hot desert story and the blazing sun made the gameplay interesting and more difficult. Or a stranded on a desert island story. The sims 2 has such a story based game and I looooved it!
One thing I also love about Sims 2 Pets is the fact that you could control them with a simple cheat if you wanted to! Not a mod needed, it was programmed into the game with two simple cheats to take full control of them! Sims 4 didn't even make controlling them available with a cheat, you need genuine mods for it hngk! :')
If they want future sims games to be family friendly, i vote for putting in an child/adult setting switch so that "not child friendly" items can still be used by 18+ players. Like the poker table etc
They won’t they already got all our money 😡 those jerks. I know it’s all ea’s doing. I don’t hate TS4 but going back to TS3 it’s a day and night difference. But no game is prefect it’s just picking which one you prefer.
I feel like I want to play Bon voyage again now! And remember in Bon voyage they also have the secret lots! Like if you dig up the maps then you can gain access to them, and each holiday destination has its own secret lot to go to. Then there’s also the mementos panel which is a challenge to try and fill! Like it has to be a family dedicated to holidaying who can fill all those in! So fun!
It's so cool to see these comparisons. I played Sims 2 as a kid and couldn't afford any of the packs; once I could buy them for myself Sims 4 had already come out so I never bothered revisiting Sims 2. Thanks for your content!
And there are even more features in all the Sims 2 pack then you even mentioned! Surprised peopled didn’t like Freetime, its one of my favorite packs for how much enriching activities it gave the Sims to do. Sims also will have their own ‘affinity hobby’ which creates a fun storytelling and adding to a Sims personality. Like oh Sporty Family but this kid’s affinity is art. It also came with its own world. Also Sims 2 Stuff Packs correlate better with Sims kits or stuff packs, or sims stores.
Sims 2 s the best, hands down. I am always going back to Sims 2 and finding things i missed whereas with the Sims 4, I am bored ! I have downloaded a few more expansions for it but it just doesn't float my boat like the sims 2 does. I also love the space in Sims 2 (and sims 1). Space to build houses and community lots and yeah. Sims 2 is the best.
I just miss the simulation in The Sims... Where are the real life challenges? I just miss them. Its way to easy to make money, friends and a strong relationship. It was hard in the previous games. At least harder. I know how I struggled ceeping my Sim alive in The Sims 1 when I was young back in the days... I just miss that.
You forgot one thing about Open for Business. Servos were back and talent badges were pretty fun so point for TS2. And I must add that Open for Business is even better with others packs, especially Nightlife and Pets (and every stuff packs) For Seasons there is Plantsims, Riverblossom Hills, fishing, green houses, gardening, new careers and just ambiance
Watching this has made me realise that when I think of Sims games (and have the visual in my mind) I'm always referring to Sims 2. Growing up from playing the first series Sims 2 felt exciting because soo much of the content had expanded hugely from their first version or was something entirely new. Now it feels like they don't use stuff that was in place already and then spread out some features across more packs. Admittedly I don't know how programming works but I would think that some bases should be transmittable between generations i.e. cuddling in bed.
The Sims 4 build mode engine is the only thing they really got right. I really like building but nothing else lol. The Sims 2 had the best gameplay, and the Sims 3 had the best customization. I really hope we see those three things drawn together in TS5.
Sims 2 Seasons didn't need flower arranging because that was already in Open for Business and it did came with greenhouses, plantsims and farming and fruit trees, which was pretty cool
This video was so nostalgic, thank you for bringing back forgotten Sims 2 memories. I’d love to see you do this with TS3 as well (maybe compare all 3!) I think we are about the same age, so our memories of these games coming out are similar and I just love going on a journey through time with you lol ❤
Honestly The Sims 2 Bon Voyage was the best pack ever in The Sims series.. It was literally so good that it fitted casual players but even occult players like me! So even if I had an occult family the features introduced in Bon Voyage went really good with that, but on the other hand the pack was just so good even for casual gameplay. One might think it would be a very situational pack, but the memories (like literal memory photo book object, souveniers etc, and oh we literally had a memory system in the sims 2!!!) and special tasks you may complete or achieve when visting the worlds were just so good and they lasted even after the vacation!! Also there were benefits for going on a vacation like more wants buttons and so on! But other than that, I think The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs is better than The Sims 2 Pets cause we don't have pet obstacle course in The Sims 2 Pets (though we do have it in the Stories????) AND BRINDLETON BAY IS BY FAR THE BEST WORLD EVER RELEASED IN THE SIMS SERIES! On the other hand, I loved The Sims 2 Seasons more than The Sims 4 version. The vibe was just different.. Better.. Also about the penguin, I think it's mainly to enhance the new fishing skill as the penguin interacts with fish and also with snowmen.
@@Kabotynka i was comparing ts2 to ts4, i started playing ts3 just recently and with almost no add-ons yet ^^ (but my little creative self LOVES the create a world tool!)
What I also l love about Sims 3 pets is it also included small animals such as turtles, rats, snakes, and bird as well as cats, dogs and horses. In the Sims 1 Unleashed it also had small animals as well as cats and dogs such as iguanas and birds as well as gardening.
You're pretty much spot on, imo. Overall, expansion packs used to give so much more than they do now [and well, while not a full cas-build/buy system, at least in 2 you could also mix and match parts of an item.
Great video! I miss the sims 2 so much, only one thing I noticed is there is actually flower arranging in the sims 2 it came with the Open for Business expansion. The sims 4 still might win for that category lol but I definitely remember it in the sims 2.
I feel like that I must come in and correct some info. 01:00 Yes, The Sims 2 came with 3 separate college sub-neighborhoods (with an ability to make your own college sub-neighborhood), but these all are similar. Young adults from one college can be seen in other colleges too. Plus they have the same mascots. The only difference is the neighborhood itself. So in separate college regards, The Sims 4 does that better. 02:38 You are able to change body shapes and faces without cheats in The Sims 4. You'll need to enter CAS either through Change Sim interaction (which is found when clicking on the mirror or dresser) or through manage worlds. Though I do agree that it is really weird that you go change your outfit in your wardrobe and all of the sudden you have a different face. 04:12 Why not also mention turn-ons and turn-offs? The attraction system. That is missing in The Sims 4. 05:28 Well, there is sort of a fury system in The Sims 4 with sentiments, though it is very weak I agree. In The Sims 2, it really made the gameplay difficult. The relationship temporarily goes down to -100/-100, thus they could start a fight. In addition, a simple apology doesn't work (it works in The Sims 4) and you literally have an option to pay them so they won't bother you for some time. 06:50 I must chime in there too. Retail wasn't the only thing you could do there. You could also run a restaurant with customizable menus (though it wasn't really profitable)(Dine Out) and venues where sims had to pay for every hour they spent on the lot (with the ticket machine). Plus the cosmetology you mentioned later. Another type! The Sims 2 business types were more open, while in The Sims 4 you either run a retail store (Get to Work), a restaurant (Dine Out), or a vet clinic (Cats and Dogs). Though not too open as if you have a shop or restaurant in the venue, sims would never have fun at the venues and instead only shop or dine out... 07:25 Shopping for food, clothing, magazines, and video games came with the base game. Open for Business allows you to own those businesses and set the prices (though yes, you could also sell ready-made foods with Open for Business). 10:17 Fun fact. You can get My First Pet stuff without owning Cats and Dogs. Origin will warn you that it requires Cats and Dogs for full gameplay, but it doesn't lock you out from buying it. You will then have some useless stuff (pet stuff) and clothing you cannot access (pet clothing). Still annoying thing though. A DLC for a DLC. 13:27 Well, bug catching only. Bug collections is in FreeTime (though you do mention it later when talking about this pack, so no big deal). It also comes with gardening and fishing, which in the next games are base game features. Though it also has gardening clubs and wishing wells. And an ability to turn gardening produce into different juices to drink... I agree, The Sims 2 doesn't hold up as well to the future seasons packs as it has some features brought to the base game and the future pack also have some focus on the holidays. 14:00 No need for flower arranging in The Sims 2 Seasons because it is in The Sims 2 Open for Business. Though The Sims 4 does offer more flower arrangements and more effects on those. 14:49 Well, short of. The Sims 1 had one neighborhood: Vacation island. It was separated into three different climates, so it is somewhat three vacation spots playing a tall man or something. 15:38 Food stalls. These come in a lot of packs in The Sims 4. For me, these are food stalls, as these are smaller and offer a limited menu. Thus for me, no point there. However, some hotels do have a restaurant built in there. However, if you don't own NightLife, you'll just have an empty useless space. 16:45 The main reason I comment here. No, you cannot even do romantic interactions with bigfoot. So no woohooing with them either. Yes, there is a mod that allows it, but in an unmodded game, it is impossible. 17:33 Parenting skill is essentially the power unlocked in The Sims 4 in level 6 to tell what the baby needs. That's it. And it is the first life skill, which means pick up a book, read it, and then it is all learned. 22:46 Life skills is a set of "skills" that your sim either has or doesn't have. So there's no high or low life skills. And the parenting skill in the previous pack is one of the life skills. 23:49 Playground set is a difficult thing to say... Toddler stuff brings the things only toddlers can use. Base game has the jungle gyms and monkey bars, some packs also bring in the swingsets... It isn't exactly the playground set The Sims 2 and 3 has... 24:10 Stargazing with another sim. Stargazing alone is a base game feature, and it also includes the rare death by satellite. 24:12 That is a great random feature in The Sims 2. Toddlers in The Sims 4 are more independent as they can get in the toddler bed on their own. 24:37 For landline phones. Cell phones from University pack cannot be silenced if I remember it correctly. You can silence phones in The Sims 4. It's one of the buttons on the top of the phone screens (along with change phone cover), but it only makes it so that phone calls and text messages won't have a sound. Sorry to go on a correction mode, but I just needed some things to made clear.
I'm so sorry for this very random comment but you seem to know a lot about the games so I decided to ask you what you think about the new (relatively new, it's been a while since I played the game) "preferences" update for TS4 where you can set romantic and woohoo preferences. I personally struggle a lot with it because there's just barely anyone in TS4 to have a relationship with and then everyone as a teen just turns my Sim down because they're "still figuring stuff out" 😭 Like, I'm aro-ace myself so it's great to have some Sims where you can't perform romantic interactions with, but it seems like there aren't enough Sims in the game to be picky about that?
@@myra0224 No need to be sorry. I'll always happy to try my best to answer the questions. Right now, this system is new, so it only has two genders to choose from. And it can always be changed with Change Sim interaction. Right now, I can say this: -Unless exploring, sims won't accept romance interactions from non-preferred sims and will have those interactions disabled. -Woohoo preferences isn't affected by exploring setting, and it works same way but with woohoo. There is a new interaction to ask other sims to be woohoo partners so that they don't need to do romance interactions to woohoo. -By default, sims have no romantic preferences, are exploring, and have woohoo preferences to both genders. Though I don't really understand the question. You'll have to make those aro and/or ace sims yourself.
@@TheSimsTutorialsEg Well, I played as a teen Sim (male) and wanted to do romantic interactions with an in-game Sim (also male) but when I asked about romantic attraction, he said he was still figuring stuff out and due to that answer, I was unable to do any romantic interactions with the Sim (they were both teens by the way). I'm confused if it was a glitch then? So basically the button to do romantic interactions was gray because there wasn't mutual interest as the other Sim rejected me 😅
@@myra0224 Hmm...That's strange... Figuring out should mean exploring. Though teens are romantically pickier, so higher relationship is needed. I'll have to test it out. Though if it is one of the pre-made teens in High School Years, then that's pre-set from them.
@@TheSimsTutorialsEg I don't have high-school years, haha. I honestly think it's a glitch then but it was funny to see (a bit annoying though as there's barely any Sims to interact with but oh well)
there is a stylist chair in the sims 4(came with a famous pack) the chair works not only on the lot for actors, but it's impossible to influence the result yourself, which is a pity, in the sims 2 you couldn't influence the result only if your sim didn't cope and ruined someone's makeup
i really wish TS4 went back to TS2 style of neighborhoods and subhoods, not only is it just great to be able to edit your world how you like but it's way more organized to add-on a city world and uni to your neighborhood; it feels more personal. there is just so many worlds in TS4 that its overwhelming!
Since I only play Sims 2 and that since 2006, so I have been around for every Sims 2 release after Open for Business, I might be a bit nit picky here but some things I noticed and/or want to comment on: 1. In the Sims 2, it is called neighborhoods and not worlds. 2. There is no cosmetology career in OfB. But it introduced talent badges for the first time with robotery, toy making, flower binding, selling, refill and cosmetology. That was later expanded on in season with gardening and FreeTime with sewing and the clay thing. Sims 2 would build on previous features and if necessary reintroduce them, unlike Sims 4 where features seem to be limited to one pack. 3. Seasons was a real game changer at the time, next to weather. You can decide on your own how the seasons go (could be summer all year), there is gardening and the weather and season affecting relationships and learning. 4. Bon Voyage was nice but I notice I never use it except for the jewellery that was first introduced then and sometimes the beach lots which were a huge novelty at the time. Btw can only recommend getting a mod that gives you the holiday jewellery from the start, so you don't have to go on holiday to get it. Still a bit mad Maxis didn't make it really possible to open and run a real hotel if you have Open for Business and Bon Voyage. 5. FreeTime is amazing but I wish we would have gotten more talent badges with it. But it added so, so, so much new stuff to do. 6. I don't know which pack introduced the secondy aspirations but which ever it was, it was such a good idea. 7. The social class thing is not really noticeable in actual game play which is a shame. 8. Still a shame you can only have four playable apartments on one lot but at least you can build them entirely yourself if you want to. 9. Agree on the life skills. Only one that is actually useful to me is Education. The fire safety one doesn't really so what I would expect of it. 10. Disagree on the stuff packs. They were rather cheap and they had a lot of stuff that expanded your options. I basically love all of them. You should also consider while we had an active community, the quality of cc meshes was still lower back then. It isn't comparable to today. So getting good official options was much more desirable back then. Regardless, they were still controversial in their days.
You can put phones on silent mode in TS4, it's a small icon on the top of the phone. You can also help repair peoples relashionship or influence them to romance/become friends with Get Together. But those are just small details compared to the vast emptiness of the Sims 4. As someone who never played TS2 I am blown away of how much content there is! Like, one pack and your game is already full of exciting stuff to do, unlike TS4. Could you do same comparison with sims 3? It would be really interesting to see!
This is making me so nostalgic for Sims 2. I really want to reinstall and play it again, now! But all it's doing for Sims 4 is reminding me why I stopped playing.
I also think pets should have the fame feature too it’s definitely a thing irl too with animals being social media stars (there is already an “simstagram pet” feature in the game). Modders for the sims 4 have already done a cuddle in bed animation which I use before the official sims has 😭
6:35 There might be some element there of "modern sensitivity" as in the behaviour in sims 2 might be seen by modern standards as stalking or abuse so it was not considered for sims 4
There is flower arranging in TS2, it's part of Open For Business (and gives a console-cheat-level buffs at max level, basically a slightly more limited version of witch throne anyone can use.)
I definitely agree that The Sims 4 has better Stuff Packs and therefore technically wins, however, The Sims 2 has lots of mods to make up for that and it's easy to mod basically giving you easily whatever you want. That's where it really shines for me.
To this date i play all the sims games besides sims4. I really really tried to like it, but i just cant. I guess your video gives people a pretty good reason on why many players like the older games more then 4. For me the thing is, when i played sims4, i recognized so so much stuff that was actually missing or the bad animations, soulless sims and lazy gameplay. Years ago i have read a really good review on the sims4. It basically said, "the sims4 would be a great game, when the previous sims games doesnt exist.". It also stated, that "the sims4 is a good game, but as a successor of this franchise, its not good enough." To this date i think that summarizes the sims4 the best.
As someone who started playing sims with the first one as soon as it came out Freetime was one of my favourite packs because it adding a lot to everyday gameplay
Thank you for your work on bringing all this information together and for sharing your insights! I also love how it wouldn't be a SatchonSims video without your famous, "The Sims 4 could never. " 😀
i think sims 2 makes the story by itself and sims 4 you need to keep putting your creativity to work bc there isn't this dreamy thing of everything happening by it's own
I feel like Sims 3 packs were out to try to one-up Sims 2 packs (and they did in most cases, particularly World Adventures, Pets and Supernatural), and Sims 4 packs feel like "let's take all that stuff, cut it into as many small slices as we can and raise the overall price with not-quite-inexpensive microtransactions."
Sims 4 expansion and game packs that should be combined: Get to Work + Dine Out + Dream Home Decorator Get Together + City Living + Get Famous + Lovestruck Cats & Dogs + Cottage Living + Horse Ranch Island Living + Snowy Escape + Outdoor Retreat + Jungle Adventure High School Years + Growing Together + Parenthood + My Wedding Stories Vampires + Realm of Magic + Werewolves
My favorite "furious" want is the want to "drink" your enemy, IOW get your cow plant to eat them then drink the cow plant juice. Twisted! (The cow plant was introduced in Sims 2 Uni, btw. I can't remember if there was one in Sims 1.) I loved dining out in Nightlife. You could propose during your dinner date. You had Mrs. Crumplebottom, the prude who is also a lush and a mean bowler. I want to say supermarkets were in the base game. You need to buy your food in Sims 2. Fridges come filled with food, but they run out. You can call for delivery, but I want to say you can shop for it, too. Base game had a clothing shop, videogame, magazine and the grocery store. OFB let you learn toy making, flower arranging, bot making, and the hair stylist. So a lot of "first" businesses were home businesses where your sim would make things or perform services. They also had the ticket machine. Basically, people would pay to spend time in a venue (which could be your home). They get charged for how long they stay there. It was the lazy person's way to run a business. So Sims 2 gave players flower arranging before Sims 4 does. The thing that I dislike about Sims 4 is that they lift small ideas from other games that are included in EPs and then sell them to players in packs. They definitely made tons more money this way. And when I see that, I don't think, 'Oh, they're letting me pick and choose." I think, "They're gauging money out of us. It should have been included in the EP." Sorry for the essay. I keep remembering more and more stuff. OFB gave us so much to do. You could make a shop to sell anything from toilets to clothing to food. The one thing you couldn't do (which was a real shame) was to open a bookshop and sell your own novels.
I wouldn’t mind EA piecing things out as much if they were actually better than when they were all combined in previous games.. but generally, they’re not. Also Free Time was like my favorite expansion lol. All the new hobbies and hobby lots were/are amazing to me.
Sims 2 University gave us more musical instruments than the basic upright piano. Playing in a band for tips was a great way to make extra household funds.
Flower arranging came with OFB in Sims 2. Also, you forgot to mention all the hidden hobby lots in Freetime. As for your comparisons of the stuff packs, you have already pointed out that Sims 4 spread that stuff throughout different packs, and are still missing items that Sims 2 has. Of course, the biggest win of Sims 2 is that right before Sims 4 came out, EA gave the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection out for free (meaning eceryone could get the entire Sims 2 collection without paying a penny), but due to players favoring Sims 2 over Sims 4, they pulled it soon after Sims 4's launch. EA's greed turned quite a bit of us Sim veterans away. In my opinion, the only point Sims 4 might have received was for Seasons, but only for the calendar with holidays, but something overlooked by mist players. Seasons in Sims 2 affected sims in different ways (it might seem subtle, but it is worth mentioning). In the fall, sims would skill up faster, do honework faster, term papers faster, advance in careers faster, etc. Family ties were strengthened in winter (family relationships build/mend faster). Love was in the air in spring, and sims could find love easier, as well as build up the romance faster (best time for romance sims). Summer was a time for friendships, building relationships with other sims went into high gear, as well as mending and repairing relationships had quicker cooldowns (from fury), of course it all could still be one-sided, but I think that is a huge feature of Sims 2 overall (never to return). So, imo, Sims 2 Seasons beats out Sims 4. Plus, that penguin (even though just an object npc), is too cute❣
Example 1 : Sims 3 pets being split up into 3 DLC packs till date in Sims 4… Example 2: Having zombies, fairies, vampires, witches, warlocks and werewolves in 1 pack in the sims 3, plus an additional ton sprinkled into other packs. (+ plant sim, alien, imaginary friend, mummy, mermaid, plumbot, time traveler, ghosts, genies, tragic clown) Example 3: being able to buy clubs, parks and property in the sims 3. Example 4: having cars to drive and horses to ride in an OPEN WORLD Example 5: the color wheel And so on and so forth…
I agree on the parenthood thing. I own parenthood and as much as I felt I needed the pack, because base game toddler/children things are just so boring, they could have done so much more with it. Also why baking instead of more imaginative play and broader game hobbies? There's hardly any motor things for children too. It's all imagination/social and only three motor skill things, one not even fitting easily on most lots once you build a house. Otherwise I agree on the sims 2. the major problem the sims 2 has is just its delicacy because it's such an old game, you have to play a particular way to avoid corruption, and the fact you will want to play with mods because it has its own bugs. But it has so much more it's nearly worth that. It's just... a pain in the ass to gather mods so I have not played my sims 2 in a while. I own the ultimate pack.
We can’t woohoo Bigfoot I think? He’s purely platonic. Penguin is cute and made my day when I was a kid also. It’s not pointless if you look at it as a kid. 😂
I have so many ideas for the sims 5 and I don't know where to put them so here is my non requested list: -creatures/occults in base game (Bigfoot as a secret townie living in the woods, aliens you can only see/talk to when you build a rocket ship and visit a new planet ((like another world or big lot)) and ghosts) -graveyards. My goth soul misses graveyards with spooky music, churches and ghosts that appear at night like in the sims 3 -lore (townies we all love and new ones with secrets ((memory system, description)) but also with secret basements or hints in tv shows or news papers for missing sims and stuff like that, maybe hidden tombstones -basegame should come with seasons or at least weather like sunny weather, rain, thunder, snow -it should be open world, maybe cars, at least like a bus picking up the children for school etc -some classic nostalgic sims only stuff like cowplants, plantsims, heart beds etc -online dating and self employed careers in base game, the ability to shop and buy items you can't have in cas or building mode :))
The only thing I miss about sims 2 vampires are their hissing. I always died laughing when they go "BLEH!" XD also sims 2 had my favorite version of plantsims.
Sims 2 EPs win by a landslide for me, 7 to 1 (I'll admit Seasons in Sims 4 is slightly better, but not by much) I would go out to buy Sims 2 stuff packs more than in Sims 4. I don't even like half of the stuff packs in Sims 4. So in terms of quality Sims 2 is still a win.
I actually like and enjoy the sims 4, but my biggest issue with the sims 4 is that they give us the equivalent of a single expansion in the sims 2 or 3 across two or three sims 4 expansions. This isn't always the case, as I said, I do like the sims 4, but yeah.
Ha, this came at just the right time for me, since I got curious about Sims 2 after watching videos like this, so I asked for a sort of Sims 2 starter set for my birthday - I ended up with base game + Nightlife + Pets. It was a pain to get it functioning on my current computer, but I managed it, and gave it a spin today. Honestly, I don’t think it will ever replace Sims 3 as my favorite, but I can see why it’s a fan favorite. And it is absolutely the best of the four when it comes to romantic interactions! But I’ll probably ask for another expansion or two for Christmas, and this was a good overview of the other packs - thank you! (And now I’ve played all four of the computer Sims games, so yay?)
I just got into playing TS2 again & OH MY GOD… It’s so fucking good it’s PROBLEMATIC! It’s literally so fun & there are so many things to do it’s addictive. It’s hard to stop playing & put the game down. I have like the opposite problem with TS4 like there’s so little to do & it’s so repetitive it gets boring so fast. (& I have hella DLC too) I thought I would be annoyed at the sims 2 bc of the graphics being outdated but after playing it’s more of an afterthought. & honestly it’s nice how quickly the game loads & never heats up or slows down my laptop. (Unlike the sims 4!)
So long as you can get used to the graphics and the fact that houses will kind of all end up looking the same ts2 is more fun to play imo. Weirdly I can handle the graphics of 2 but not of 3.
My take away is we need more worlds more often and personally I want ballet it’s something I’ve wanted for so long and loved having my sims take it up 😢
This is a great video! I've been playing since ts1 came out when I was a kid and I forgot about some of the amazing features of the packs 😍 Ts4 could never lol
I love the toy making from Sims 2! Sims 2 open for business and sims 3 ambitions were amazing packs. Also I loved sims 2 apartment life because players could build their own apartments and townhomes.
In general, I agree, but in gameplay Sims 2 wins every time. The hobby SYSTEM is something we do not have in Sims 4, the ability to basically assign a hobby, because though you can use all the hobby type objects in both your sim does not gravitate towards those interests in Sims 4, just based on the coding for those objects any/every sims will gravitate towards, whereas in Sims 2 they will want to do their hobby. That is generally the case with all the packs in Sims 2 versus Sims 4, because Sims 2 had a want system that made sims more individual whereas all Sims 4 sims are generic. They do things because YOU want them to, not because the sims are individual in their own interests. For me, Sims 2 wins hands down. But most of all, back to my personal bandwagon, Sims 2 has PACK INTEGRATION !!! meaning all the packs work TOGETHER whereas Sims 4 all packs only really work with basegame because that's how they are made.
Sims 2 was way better than what we have now. Hopefully Sims5 is able to flesh out a lot more and give us more gameplay otherwise, I can see it failing.
I love the Sims 2. I've been playing since the original Sims came out, the Sims 2 was honestly just a fantastic game. I feel like the Sims 4 has a great deal of potential to also be a great game. Aside from annoying glitches, there is actually a huge amount of stuff to do in the game. What it's lacking is what the Sims 2 did very well, which was a system that gave you a reason to use everything in the game. The Wants and Fears really made you actually utilize what you had available to you. The Sims 4 has loads of stuff, but I forget so much of it even exists because the game does nothing to encourage me to use it. The other Sims games had a good ratio of sandbox to guided play, and the Sims 4 is 100% sandbox, which just isn't as fun.
I don’t mind the way Sims 4 has everything broken down into individual packs, if they worked! Sims 2 has so much crammed into each pack and it works. I find myself drifting back to Sims 2 & 3, more than ever now, because I’ve spent so long hoping 4 would get better, and it just doesn’t.
I feel like the "argument" that some simmers make about Sims 4 and Sims 2 not being able to be compared because Sims 2 is much older so it could hold more stuff just doesn't hold up. People seem to forget that for its time, AKA 2004, Sims 2 was almost ahead of its time, really? Only 4 years prior The original Sims released. Look at the difference between those two. The Sims 4 was made 10 YEARS after TS2, yet has way less detail/depth/content. I find an issue with that. If anything The Sims 4 is not advanced enough for its current time period.
Sims 2 university came with the Cowplant which was way unforgiving than the Sims 4's as if a sim grabs the cake the sim simply disappears without the grim reaper to show up.
Well to be fair. Stuff should be stuff. I always knew that if it said stuff that it wouldn't come with systems so I wouldn't bother getting it. Now you have no idea what will be in the stuff pack and there are so many of them with random things. It used to just be DLC for systems and major things and stuff packs for little material extras. Personally I prefer it. Far more clear cut.
the older games they seemed to try and cram in as much content as possible to each pack and there was a lot more creativity. the sims 4 it seems like they've just turned it into a "micro" transaction game (even though the transactions aren't exactly micro)
I feel like it's because in TS2 and 3 they couldn't just go back and edit it because you couldn't really update those games whereas it doesn't matter if TS4 is broken or barely has stuff. They'll just make us think they'll fix it (which they rarely do) as there is the option to do so...
And capitalism at its peak of course
@@myra0224 that makes sense i never really thought about that. Its sad to see the sims go down the path its on but I just hope they have learned their lesson from all the backlash. I doubt it though. :/ Maybe sims 5 will be better, atleast I hope. the games used to have so much personality
EA has been proven right since players keep buying their add-ons instead of demanding more content in the big EPs. It's like they took the Sims 3 store and monetized it even more by packaging everything up.
Buy 2 or 3 and pirate 4
Turned it into a microwaves so nothing fresh Can Come Out of it anymore
It’s amazing to realize that TS4 has as absurd amount of packs, yet it feels like there’s so little to do on the game in comparison to TS2. The packs get old and boring so quickly it’s infuriating.
You didn't do Seasons justice, it was my favorite sims 2 pack ^^ You had sprinklers and greenhouses for gardening, and plantsims, which were so much fun ! You could also edit the seasons for each world, it introduced fishing, it added six different careers. I just loved the world, it felt so homely and cute !
Yes I loved Riverblossom Hills! It was my most played world after Pleasantview
@@UsulPrincess all also excellent !
His point about no flower arranging in TS2 Seasons wasn’t fair either, that was in OFB!
I was literally yelling at the screen "What about plantsims?" I love Them and miss Them in the sims 4
I love the Seasons in Sims 2 as well it was my favorite Expansion pack in the entire series and still is I wished they would redo the Sims 2 eventually but they probably won't I have so many Sims 2 memories as well but yeah again I love the season pack and am.happy to hear I'm not the only one hehe ^^
That's what I've been always saying, The Sims 4's problems began when they started to split previously big DLCs into smaller ones so they can earn more money. I don't care about the "when it's in a seperate pack it's more polished and detailed" because anyone who's played the game knows it's not true. They've been scamming people and getting away with it for years.
I can choose one expansion pack from TS2 or TS3 and it will offer much more things than any expansion pack for TS4 or couple of game and stuff packs combined. It's just sad because back in the day you knew that if you bought an expansion pack you'd be getting tons of cool clothes, furniture and gameplay. Not to mention worlds, houses, families and STORIES. Sure, it was never flawless, but it's never been as bad as the TS4 experience.
Honestly, I just played TS3 again and had so much fun even though it's an ugly af game. Then I thought I'd go check up on my Sims in TS4 and I was so bored?? Literally all I do in that game is go to work, come home and take care of the needs and go to bed. I never know what to do on a free day because I hate the loading screens...
They need the open world from TS3, the visuals from TS4 and the gameplay from TS2 and 3 to bring this game to life again because I want a life simulator that's actually fun again
@@myra0224 I agree with you except the visuals of TS4. They need to scrap the clay looking Spyro graphics. Even the pasted on grass doesn’t look right. They can do so much better with today’s technology.
@@MagnumPatrol Okay that's true, but compared to TS3 it's good 😭
@@myra0224 that’s true too 🤣
"when it's in a seperate pack it's more polished and detailed" - that's the narrative lilsimsie pushes all the time, don't get me wrong i love kayla but she never played ts2 in depth so i dont think she has say in this
I recently played the sims 2 life stories and could not believe how much better the sims 2 restaurants worked than sims 4 everything just worked instantly and nothing went wrong
Also open for business was one of the best packs and worked so well
We had flower arranging in Sims 2, it came with Open for Business!
I was about to say the same!
They also had a premade family in the open for business world that had a flower shop
what annoys me most about the business / restaurant system in sims 4 is that 1. i cant open a store at the place where i live (which u could in sims 2) and 2. if i own a restaurant i can only be its manager and not the cook or server or anything, whereas i could do any or all roles in the sims 2
And 3: it takes you all day to eat one meal in a restaurant IF you get the food at all.
And 4: Townies don't keep the items they bought in their inventory
Let’s also not forget that after nightlife came out… They eventually sold the base game combined with nightlife for the same price so that way players were getting all of the same benefits from nightlife, even if they just started the game
Seasons in the sims 2 does have green houses, gardening, plant people,etc. and the flower arranging came in open for biz. Bon Voyage and Open for Business are my favorite packs! I do also love how in free time you can max hobbies and go to the new worlds for the hobby.
What i like about sims 2 hobbies is the more your sim participates in their hobby, the more they become passionate about it. The higher their levels of interest, the more it will impact their socialization and relationships. Their interest in different hobbies will fluctuate, depending on how much time they spend engaging with it. It just adds even more dynamic to each Sims individual personality.
For example, Daniel, Lilith and Angela pleasant typically have Sports as their one true hobby, while Mary Sue is music and dance. While Dan and the girls will more autonomously, engage in and talk about sports with one another, they will also roll more wants to do so as well. This leads Dan’s relationship with the girls to typically grow to be better than Mary Sue ever will unless you put in more work
omg TS4 be like "Poker table? That's too far. Here, have a woohoo bush!"
Another thing with Open for Business is that if you play rotationally, if another family you are not currently playing buys an item in your current family's retail store, they will actually HAVE the item that they bought when you switch over to them. It doesn't really matter if you don't play rotationally but I still thinks it's cool that they actually obtain the item that they paid for.
I think it's the same logic that if you create random families and put on the same world there's a chance of seeing them around or the teens-kids befriending their kids on school, and it's a relationship chart saved on both parties.
0:31 University
3:08 Night Life/Club Pack
6:45 Open for business/Work Pack
9:54 Pets
13:00 Seasons/ Weather Pack
14:17 Bon Voyage/Holiday Pack
17:17 Free Time/Hobbies Pack
20:17 Apartment Life/Pack
25:00 Stuff Packs:
- 25:22 H&M Fashion Stuff
- 25:48 Ikea Home Stuff
- 26:00 Other Stuff Packs mentioned
26:29 Conclussion
This video encapsulates exactly why TS2 is the best sims game
Edit: I’d just like to add that EPs were $20 back in TS2. Half the price of current EPS and about three times the content.
Edit 2: Freetime was my favorite EP and I’m still waiting for a hobbies/after school activities pack for CHILDREN in TS4.
Freetime is probably my favorite sims pack, too. I love all the new things it brings to my sims and all the things they can do with it. Best care in the game, too. Not the prettiest, but two sims (I usually would have a parent and child) can work on it together, then when it’s done it becomes a fully functional car you can keep and drive places, woohoo in, etc, or you can sell. Love that car.
I think for me in spain they were 30 euros for eps and 20 for stuff packs
then with sims 3 i think both went up ten euros
If I recall correctly, I believe the base game was $49, expansions were $29 and stuff packs were $19. But towards the end you could get the collections (2 SPs and an EP) for $30.
I believe they were actually $30+ when they first came out, and with inflation, it would be more expensive than it is today. I always made sure to ask for one expansion pack on Christmas 😂
@@tATuCentral yup $29 plus tax 🙂
Sims2 had actual memories, pillow fights, and kids jumping on beds etc. I miss all these little things. Sims4 is still so BLAND in comparison.
Sims 2 seasons, you could pick the seasons for each world and I miss that. I was so disappointed you couldn't in this one. It makes no sense for the two desert towns to have blizzards and snow storms. I also miss placing houses and lots where you wanted if there was room in the sims 2.
You could also create your own neighborhood templates with Sim City 4 which was really cool. Honestly, I think if EA did a similar thing with Sim City (2013) and Sims 4 instead of the route they went down with both of them, Sims 4 players would have boosted the sales of Sim City by quite a bit.
I loved having more control over weather then we have now. That way you also have more control over your own stories. Sometimes I would love a good super hot desert story and the blazing sun made the gameplay interesting and more difficult. Or a stranded on a desert island story. The sims 2 has such a story based game and I looooved it!
One thing I also love about Sims 2 Pets is the fact that you could control them with a simple cheat if you wanted to! Not a mod needed, it was programmed into the game with two simple cheats to take full control of them! Sims 4 didn't even make controlling them available with a cheat, you need genuine mods for it hngk! :')
You didn't even need a cheat to control the pets in TS2 IIRC
@anon2447 You do unless you use a custom launcher! :0 In Sims 3 you can just control them though!
If they want future sims games to be family friendly, i vote for putting in an child/adult setting switch so that "not child friendly" items can still be used by 18+ players. Like the poker table etc
I can definitely see why the sims team discontinued the sims 2 unlimited code, that mess was a steal 😌👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
I hope EA is taking notes. The AI in ts4 is trash. Edit: ts2 had waaaay more content.
Sadly I don't think that EA just doesn't know what's wrong with TS4. I think they simply don't care. 🙄
turning off autonomy in the sims 4 bc my sim kept changing sleepwear and crawling in and out of bed bc their sleep need was full
They did take notes: they learned to do less and still earn massive amounts of money.
@@12wer3wer9 they know, they just don't care. Push it out and fix later is their motto
They won’t they already got all our money 😡 those jerks. I know it’s all ea’s doing. I don’t hate TS4 but going back to TS3 it’s a day and night difference. But no game is prefect it’s just picking which one you prefer.
The sims 2 night life :1 expansion pack
The sims 4 night life
City living+vampires+moschino stuff+dine out + high school years
I totally forgot about Toy Building - I remember I made a shop where my sim sold only crafted items and I was addicted to building robot toys.
I feel like I want to play Bon voyage again now! And remember in Bon voyage they also have the secret lots! Like if you dig up the maps then you can gain access to them, and each holiday destination has its own secret lot to go to. Then there’s also the mementos panel which is a challenge to try and fill! Like it has to be a family dedicated to holidaying who can fill all those in! So fun!
It's so cool to see these comparisons. I played Sims 2 as a kid and couldn't afford any of the packs; once I could buy them for myself Sims 4 had already come out so I never bothered revisiting Sims 2. Thanks for your content!
And there are even more features in all the Sims 2 pack then you even mentioned! Surprised peopled didn’t like Freetime, its one of my favorite packs for how much enriching activities it gave the Sims to do. Sims also will have their own ‘affinity hobby’ which creates a fun storytelling and adding to a Sims personality. Like oh Sporty Family but this kid’s affinity is art. It also came with its own world. Also Sims 2 Stuff Packs correlate better with Sims kits or stuff packs, or sims stores.
Sims 2 night life had the attraction thunder bolts! And their turn ons and turn offs. That was my fave!!
Sims 2 s the best, hands down. I am always going back to Sims 2 and finding things i missed whereas with the Sims 4, I am bored ! I have downloaded a few more expansions for it but it just doesn't float my boat like the sims 2 does. I also love the space in Sims 2 (and sims 1). Space to build houses and community lots and yeah. Sims 2 is the best.
I just miss the simulation in The Sims... Where are the real life challenges? I just miss them. Its way to easy to make money, friends and a strong relationship. It was hard in the previous games. At least harder. I know how I struggled ceeping my Sim alive in The Sims 1 when I was young back in the days... I just miss that.
You forgot one thing about Open for Business. Servos were back and talent badges were pretty fun so point for TS2.
And I must add that Open for Business is even better with others packs, especially Nightlife and Pets (and every stuff packs)
For Seasons there is Plantsims, Riverblossom Hills, fishing, green houses, gardening, new careers and just ambiance
Watching this has made me realise that when I think of Sims games (and have the visual in my mind) I'm always referring to Sims 2. Growing up from playing the first series Sims 2 felt exciting because soo much of the content had expanded hugely from their first version or was something entirely new. Now it feels like they don't use stuff that was in place already and then spread out some features across more packs. Admittedly I don't know how programming works but I would think that some bases should be transmittable between generations i.e. cuddling in bed.
Omg the trailer for the sims 2 pets hit me so hard. That was my first sims game on the GameCube.
The Sims 4 build mode engine is the only thing they really got right. I really like building but nothing else lol. The Sims 2 had the best gameplay, and the Sims 3 had the best customization. I really hope we see those three things drawn together in TS5.
Sims 2 Seasons didn't need flower arranging because that was already in Open for Business and it did came with greenhouses, plantsims and farming and fruit trees, which was pretty cool
This video was so nostalgic, thank you for bringing back forgotten Sims 2 memories. I’d love to see you do this with TS3 as well (maybe compare all 3!) I think we are about the same age, so our memories of these games coming out are similar and I just love going on a journey through time with you lol ❤
Honestly The Sims 2 Bon Voyage was the best pack ever in The Sims series.. It was literally so good that it fitted casual players but even occult players like me! So even if I had an occult family the features introduced in Bon Voyage went really good with that, but on the other hand the pack was just so good even for casual gameplay. One might think it would be a very situational pack, but the memories (like literal memory photo book object, souveniers etc, and oh we literally had a memory system in the sims 2!!!) and special tasks you may complete or achieve when visting the worlds were just so good and they lasted even after the vacation!! Also there were benefits for going on a vacation like more wants buttons and so on!
But other than that, I think The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs is better than The Sims 2 Pets cause we don't have pet obstacle course in The Sims 2 Pets (though we do have it in the Stories????) AND BRINDLETON BAY IS BY FAR THE BEST WORLD EVER RELEASED IN THE SIMS SERIES!
On the other hand, I loved The Sims 2 Seasons more than The Sims 4 version. The vibe was just different.. Better.. Also about the penguin, I think it's mainly to enhance the new fishing skill as the penguin interacts with fish and also with snowmen.
@@Kabotynka i was comparing ts2 to ts4, i started playing ts3 just recently and with almost no add-ons yet ^^ (but my little creative self LOVES the create a world tool!)
I think the Sims 2 pets is better as it included birds and Guinea pigs but in Sims 4 you basically have to buy DLC for DLC to get the same.
What I also l love about Sims 3 pets is it also included small animals such as turtles, rats, snakes, and bird as well as cats, dogs and horses.
In the Sims 1 Unleashed it also had small animals as well as cats and dogs such as iguanas and birds as well as gardening.
You're pretty much spot on, imo. Overall, expansion packs used to give so much more than they do now [and well, while not a full cas-build/buy system, at least in 2 you could also mix and match parts of an item.
Ooooh quite eye-opening. Shows you can have packs with depth AND gameplay. Sims 4 packs could go so much further 🤭
Literally 5 Sims 4 packs is equal to one Sims 2 EP. hahaha
I've been playing TS2 for 18 years. It's super old. And still my favourite!
Great video! I miss the sims 2 so much, only one thing I noticed is there is actually flower arranging in the sims 2 it came with the Open for Business expansion. The sims 4 still might win for that category lol but I definitely remember it in the sims 2.
I feel like that I must come in and correct some info.
01:00 Yes, The Sims 2 came with 3 separate college sub-neighborhoods (with an ability to make your own college sub-neighborhood), but these all are similar. Young adults from one college can be seen in other colleges too. Plus they have the same mascots. The only difference is the neighborhood itself. So in separate college regards, The Sims 4 does that better.
02:38 You are able to change body shapes and faces without cheats in The Sims 4. You'll need to enter CAS either through Change Sim interaction (which is found when clicking on the mirror or dresser) or through manage worlds. Though I do agree that it is really weird that you go change your outfit in your wardrobe and all of the sudden you have a different face.
04:12 Why not also mention turn-ons and turn-offs? The attraction system. That is missing in The Sims 4.
05:28 Well, there is sort of a fury system in The Sims 4 with sentiments, though it is very weak I agree. In The Sims 2, it really made the gameplay difficult. The relationship temporarily goes down to -100/-100, thus they could start a fight. In addition, a simple apology doesn't work (it works in The Sims 4) and you literally have an option to pay them so they won't bother you for some time.
06:50 I must chime in there too. Retail wasn't the only thing you could do there. You could also run a restaurant with customizable menus (though it wasn't really profitable)(Dine Out) and venues where sims had to pay for every hour they spent on the lot (with the ticket machine). Plus the cosmetology you mentioned later. Another type! The Sims 2 business types were more open, while in The Sims 4 you either run a retail store (Get to Work), a restaurant (Dine Out), or a vet clinic (Cats and Dogs). Though not too open as if you have a shop or restaurant in the venue, sims would never have fun at the venues and instead only shop or dine out...
07:25 Shopping for food, clothing, magazines, and video games came with the base game. Open for Business allows you to own those businesses and set the prices (though yes, you could also sell ready-made foods with Open for Business).
10:17 Fun fact. You can get My First Pet stuff without owning Cats and Dogs. Origin will warn you that it requires Cats and Dogs for full gameplay, but it doesn't lock you out from buying it. You will then have some useless stuff (pet stuff) and clothing you cannot access (pet clothing). Still annoying thing though. A DLC for a DLC.
13:27 Well, bug catching only. Bug collections is in FreeTime (though you do mention it later when talking about this pack, so no big deal). It also comes with gardening and fishing, which in the next games are base game features. Though it also has gardening clubs and wishing wells. And an ability to turn gardening produce into different juices to drink... I agree, The Sims 2 doesn't hold up as well to the future seasons packs as it has some features brought to the base game and the future pack also have some focus on the holidays.
14:00 No need for flower arranging in The Sims 2 Seasons because it is in The Sims 2 Open for Business. Though The Sims 4 does offer more flower arrangements and more effects on those.
14:49 Well, short of. The Sims 1 had one neighborhood: Vacation island. It was separated into three different climates, so it is somewhat three vacation spots playing a tall man or something.
15:38 Food stalls. These come in a lot of packs in The Sims 4. For me, these are food stalls, as these are smaller and offer a limited menu. Thus for me, no point there. However, some hotels do have a restaurant built in there. However, if you don't own NightLife, you'll just have an empty useless space.
16:45 The main reason I comment here. No, you cannot even do romantic interactions with bigfoot. So no woohooing with them either. Yes, there is a mod that allows it, but in an unmodded game, it is impossible.
17:33 Parenting skill is essentially the power unlocked in The Sims 4 in level 6 to tell what the baby needs. That's it. And it is the first life skill, which means pick up a book, read it, and then it is all learned.
22:46 Life skills is a set of "skills" that your sim either has or doesn't have. So there's no high or low life skills. And the parenting skill in the previous pack is one of the life skills.
23:49 Playground set is a difficult thing to say... Toddler stuff brings the things only toddlers can use. Base game has the jungle gyms and monkey bars, some packs also bring in the swingsets... It isn't exactly the playground set The Sims 2 and 3 has...
24:10 Stargazing with another sim. Stargazing alone is a base game feature, and it also includes the rare death by satellite.
24:12 That is a great random feature in The Sims 2. Toddlers in The Sims 4 are more independent as they can get in the toddler bed on their own.
24:37 For landline phones. Cell phones from University pack cannot be silenced if I remember it correctly. You can silence phones in The Sims 4. It's one of the buttons on the top of the phone screens (along with change phone cover), but it only makes it so that phone calls and text messages won't have a sound.
Sorry to go on a correction mode, but I just needed some things to made clear.
I'm so sorry for this very random comment but you seem to know a lot about the games so I decided to ask you what you think about the new (relatively new, it's been a while since I played the game) "preferences" update for TS4 where you can set romantic and woohoo preferences.
I personally struggle a lot with it because there's just barely anyone in TS4 to have a relationship with and then everyone as a teen just turns my Sim down because they're "still figuring stuff out" 😭
Like, I'm aro-ace myself so it's great to have some Sims where you can't perform romantic interactions with, but it seems like there aren't enough Sims in the game to be picky about that?
@@myra0224 No need to be sorry. I'll always happy to try my best to answer the questions.
Right now, this system is new, so it only has two genders to choose from. And it can always be changed with Change Sim interaction. Right now, I can say this:
-Unless exploring, sims won't accept romance interactions from non-preferred sims and will have those interactions disabled.
-Woohoo preferences isn't affected by exploring setting, and it works same way but with woohoo. There is a new interaction to ask other sims to be woohoo partners so that they don't need to do romance interactions to woohoo.
-By default, sims have no romantic preferences, are exploring, and have woohoo preferences to both genders.
Though I don't really understand the question. You'll have to make those aro and/or ace sims yourself.
@@TheSimsTutorialsEg Well, I played as a teen Sim (male) and wanted to do romantic interactions with an in-game Sim (also male) but when I asked about romantic attraction, he said he was still figuring stuff out and due to that answer, I was unable to do any romantic interactions with the Sim (they were both teens by the way). I'm confused if it was a glitch then?
So basically the button to do romantic interactions was gray because there wasn't mutual interest as the other Sim rejected me 😅
@@myra0224 Hmm...That's strange... Figuring out should mean exploring. Though teens are romantically pickier, so higher relationship is needed.
I'll have to test it out. Though if it is one of the pre-made teens in High School Years, then that's pre-set from them.
@@TheSimsTutorialsEg I don't have high-school years, haha. I honestly think it's a glitch then but it was funny to see (a bit annoying though as there's barely any Sims to interact with but oh well)
there is a stylist chair in the sims 4(came with a famous pack) the chair works not only on the lot for actors, but it's impossible to influence the result yourself, which is a pity, in the sims 2 you couldn't influence the result only if your sim didn't cope and ruined someone's makeup
i really wish TS4 went back to TS2 style of neighborhoods and subhoods, not only is it just great to be able to edit your world how you like but it's way more organized to add-on a city world and uni to your neighborhood; it feels more personal. there is just so many worlds in TS4 that its overwhelming!
Since I only play Sims 2 and that since 2006, so I have been around for every Sims 2 release after Open for Business, I might be a bit nit picky here but some things I noticed and/or want to comment on:
1. In the Sims 2, it is called neighborhoods and not worlds.
2. There is no cosmetology career in OfB. But it introduced talent badges for the first time with robotery, toy making, flower binding, selling, refill and cosmetology. That was later expanded on in season with gardening and FreeTime with sewing and the clay thing. Sims 2 would build on previous features and if necessary reintroduce them, unlike Sims 4 where features seem to be limited to one pack.
3. Seasons was a real game changer at the time, next to weather. You can decide on your own how the seasons go (could be summer all year), there is gardening and the weather and season affecting relationships and learning.
4. Bon Voyage was nice but I notice I never use it except for the jewellery that was first introduced then and sometimes the beach lots which were a huge novelty at the time. Btw can only recommend getting a mod that gives you the holiday jewellery from the start, so you don't have to go on holiday to get it. Still a bit mad Maxis didn't make it really possible to open and run a real hotel if you have Open for Business and Bon Voyage.
5. FreeTime is amazing but I wish we would have gotten more talent badges with it. But it added so, so, so much new stuff to do.
6. I don't know which pack introduced the secondy aspirations but which ever it was, it was such a good idea.
7. The social class thing is not really noticeable in actual game play which is a shame.
8. Still a shame you can only have four playable apartments on one lot but at least you can build them entirely yourself if you want to.
9. Agree on the life skills. Only one that is actually useful to me is Education. The fire safety one doesn't really so what I would expect of it.
10. Disagree on the stuff packs. They were rather cheap and they had a lot of stuff that expanded your options. I basically love all of them. You should also consider while we had an active community, the quality of cc meshes was still lower back then. It isn't comparable to today. So getting good official options was much more desirable back then. Regardless, they were still controversial in their days.
My favorite thing of bon voyage was the ninja that taught teleportation
Sims 2 is actually about 20 years old. It came out in 2004!
You can put phones on silent mode in TS4, it's a small icon on the top of the phone. You can also help repair peoples relashionship or influence them to romance/become friends with Get Together. But those are just small details compared to the vast emptiness of the Sims 4.
As someone who never played TS2 I am blown away of how much content there is! Like, one pack and your game is already full of exciting stuff to do, unlike TS4.
Could you do same comparison with sims 3? It would be really interesting to see!
This is making me so nostalgic for Sims 2. I really want to reinstall and play it again, now! But all it's doing for Sims 4 is reminding me why I stopped playing.
I also think pets should have the fame feature too it’s definitely a thing irl too with animals being social media stars (there is already an “simstagram pet” feature in the game).
Modders for the sims 4 have already done a cuddle in bed animation which I use before the official sims has 😭
6:35 There might be some element there of "modern sensitivity" as in the behaviour in sims 2 might be seen by modern standards as stalking or abuse so it was not considered for sims 4
There is flower arranging in TS2, it's part of Open For Business (and gives a console-cheat-level buffs at max level, basically a slightly more limited version of witch throne anyone can use.)
These kinds of videos always make me want to play Sims 2, but never Sims 4 😂
I definitely agree that The Sims 4 has better Stuff Packs and therefore technically wins, however, The Sims 2 has lots of mods to make up for that and it's easy to mod basically giving you easily whatever you want. That's where it really shines for me.
To this date i play all the sims games besides sims4. I really really tried to like it, but i just cant.
I guess your video gives people a pretty good reason on why many players like the older games more then 4.
For me the thing is, when i played sims4, i recognized so so much stuff that was actually missing or the bad animations, soulless sims and lazy gameplay.
Years ago i have read a really good review on the sims4. It basically said, "the sims4 would be a great game, when the previous sims games doesnt exist.". It also stated, that "the sims4 is a good game, but as a successor of this franchise, its not good enough."
To this date i think that summarizes the sims4 the best.
Way too much dlc and they lack content not worth the price
As someone who started playing sims with the first one as soon as it came out Freetime was one of my favourite packs because it adding a lot to everyday gameplay
In TS2 bon voyage also you can teach other sims the gestures you learned and can take a full family photo and everyone can strike a pose and not move!
Thank you for your work on bringing all this information together and for sharing your insights! I also love how it wouldn't be a SatchonSims video without your famous, "The Sims 4 could never. " 😀
i think sims 2 makes the story by itself and sims 4 you need to keep putting your creativity to work bc there isn't this dreamy thing of everything happening by it's own
I feel like Sims 3 packs were out to try to one-up Sims 2 packs (and they did in most cases, particularly World Adventures, Pets and Supernatural), and Sims 4 packs feel like "let's take all that stuff, cut it into as many small slices as we can and raise the overall price with not-quite-inexpensive microtransactions."
Sims 4 expansion and game packs that should be combined:
Get to Work + Dine Out + Dream Home Decorator
Get Together + City Living + Get Famous + Lovestruck
Cats & Dogs + Cottage Living + Horse Ranch
Island Living + Snowy Escape + Outdoor Retreat + Jungle Adventure
High School Years + Growing Together + Parenthood + My Wedding Stories
Vampires + Realm of Magic + Werewolves
My favorite "furious" want is the want to "drink" your enemy, IOW get your cow plant to eat them then drink the cow plant juice. Twisted! (The cow plant was introduced in Sims 2 Uni, btw. I can't remember if there was one in Sims 1.) I loved dining out in Nightlife. You could propose during your dinner date. You had Mrs. Crumplebottom, the prude who is also a lush and a mean bowler.
I want to say supermarkets were in the base game. You need to buy your food in Sims 2. Fridges come filled with food, but they run out. You can call for delivery, but I want to say you can shop for it, too. Base game had a clothing shop, videogame, magazine and the grocery store.
OFB let you learn toy making, flower arranging, bot making, and the hair stylist. So a lot of "first" businesses were home businesses where your sim would make things or perform services. They also had the ticket machine. Basically, people would pay to spend time in a venue (which could be your home). They get charged for how long they stay there. It was the lazy person's way to run a business. So Sims 2 gave players flower arranging before Sims 4 does.
The thing that I dislike about Sims 4 is that they lift small ideas from other games that are included in EPs and then sell them to players in packs. They definitely made tons more money this way. And when I see that, I don't think, 'Oh, they're letting me pick and choose." I think, "They're gauging money out of us. It should have been included in the EP."
Sorry for the essay. I keep remembering more and more stuff. OFB gave us so much to do. You could make a shop to sell anything from toilets to clothing to food. The one thing you couldn't do (which was a real shame) was to open a bookshop and sell your own novels.
A note, flower arranging is in the sims 2 :) its a (talent badge? hobby thing) from open for business, so you basically run a florist business.
Honestly the Sims 1 Making magic is still the best magic pack to date! And the fame pack, you can't beat music videos that come with riding ducks
I wouldn’t mind EA piecing things out as much if they were actually better than when they were all combined in previous games.. but generally, they’re not. Also Free Time was like my favorite expansion lol. All the new hobbies and hobby lots were/are amazing to me.
Sims 2 University gave us more musical instruments than the basic upright piano. Playing in a band for tips was a great way to make extra household funds.
Flower arranging came with OFB in Sims 2. Also, you forgot to mention all the hidden hobby lots in Freetime.
As for your comparisons of the stuff packs, you have already pointed out that Sims 4 spread that stuff throughout different packs, and are still missing items that Sims 2 has. Of course, the biggest win of Sims 2 is that right before Sims 4 came out, EA gave the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection out for free (meaning eceryone could get the entire Sims 2 collection without paying a penny), but due to players favoring Sims 2 over Sims 4, they pulled it soon after Sims 4's launch. EA's greed turned quite a bit of us Sim veterans away.
In my opinion, the only point Sims 4 might have received was for Seasons, but only for the calendar with holidays, but something overlooked by mist players. Seasons in Sims 2 affected sims in different ways (it might seem subtle, but it is worth mentioning). In the fall, sims would skill up faster, do honework faster, term papers faster, advance in careers faster, etc. Family ties were strengthened in winter (family relationships build/mend faster). Love was in the air in spring, and sims could find love easier, as well as build up the romance faster (best time for romance sims). Summer was a time for friendships, building relationships with other sims went into high gear, as well as mending and repairing relationships had quicker cooldowns (from fury), of course it all could still be one-sided, but I think that is a huge feature of Sims 2 overall (never to return). So, imo, Sims 2 Seasons beats out Sims 4. Plus, that penguin (even though just an object npc), is too cute❣
Example 1 : Sims 3 pets being split up into 3 DLC packs till date in Sims 4…
Example 2: Having zombies, fairies, vampires, witches, warlocks and werewolves in 1 pack in the sims 3, plus an additional ton sprinkled into other packs. (+ plant sim, alien, imaginary friend, mummy, mermaid, plumbot, time traveler, ghosts, genies, tragic clown)
Example 3: being able to buy clubs, parks and property in the sims 3.
Example 4: having cars to drive and horses to ride in an OPEN WORLD
Example 5: the color wheel
And so on and so forth…
I agree on the parenthood thing. I own parenthood and as much as I felt I needed the pack, because base game toddler/children things are just so boring, they could have done so much more with it. Also why baking instead of more imaginative play and broader game hobbies? There's hardly any motor things for children too. It's all imagination/social and only three motor skill things, one not even fitting easily on most lots once you build a house. Otherwise I agree on the sims 2.
the major problem the sims 2 has is just its delicacy because it's such an old game, you have to play a particular way to avoid corruption, and the fact you will want to play with mods because it has its own bugs. But it has so much more it's nearly worth that. It's just... a pain in the ass to gather mods so I have not played my sims 2 in a while. I own the ultimate pack.
We can’t woohoo Bigfoot I think? He’s purely platonic. Penguin is cute and made my day when I was a kid also. It’s not pointless if you look at it as a kid. 😂
I have so many ideas for the sims 5 and I don't know where to put them so here is my non requested list:
-creatures/occults in base game (Bigfoot as a secret townie living in the woods, aliens you can only see/talk to when you build a rocket ship and visit a new planet ((like another world or big lot)) and ghosts)
-graveyards. My goth soul misses graveyards with spooky music, churches and ghosts that appear at night like in the sims 3
-lore (townies we all love and new ones with secrets ((memory system, description)) but also with secret basements or hints in tv shows or news papers for missing sims and stuff like that, maybe hidden tombstones
-basegame should come with seasons or at least weather like sunny weather, rain, thunder, snow
-it should be open world, maybe cars, at least like a bus picking up the children for school etc
-some classic nostalgic sims only stuff like cowplants, plantsims, heart beds etc
-online dating and self employed careers in base game, the ability to shop and buy items you can't have in cas or building mode :))
The only thing I miss about sims 2 vampires are their hissing. I always died laughing when they go "BLEH!" XD also sims 2 had my favorite version of plantsims.
If they have plantsim children,teen and young adult, should rebalance it instead inherit all skill from spawner and only 3 stages.
Sims 2 EPs win by a landslide for me, 7 to 1 (I'll admit Seasons in Sims 4 is slightly better, but not by much)
I would go out to buy Sims 2 stuff packs more than in Sims 4. I don't even like half of the stuff packs in Sims 4. So in terms of quality Sims 2 is still a win.
I actually like and enjoy the sims 4, but my biggest issue with the sims 4 is that they give us the equivalent of a single expansion in the sims 2 or 3 across two or three sims 4 expansions. This isn't always the case, as I said, I do like the sims 4, but yeah.
Ha, this came at just the right time for me, since I got curious about Sims 2 after watching videos like this, so I asked for a sort of Sims 2 starter set for my birthday - I ended up with base game + Nightlife + Pets. It was a pain to get it functioning on my current computer, but I managed it, and gave it a spin today. Honestly, I don’t think it will ever replace Sims 3 as my favorite, but I can see why it’s a fan favorite. And it is absolutely the best of the four when it comes to romantic interactions! But I’ll probably ask for another expansion or two for Christmas, and this was a good overview of the other packs - thank you! (And now I’ve played all four of the computer Sims games, so yay?)
There are some legit sites that have all the sims 2 packs if your interested?
Do you know that feeling when you get something you never knew you needed, that is this video 🙌🏼🙌🏼
"these trailers are low quality because the game is 10 years old"
honey, the game is literally 18 YEARS OLD
I just got into playing TS2 again & OH MY GOD… It’s so fucking good it’s PROBLEMATIC! It’s literally so fun & there are so many things to do it’s addictive. It’s hard to stop playing & put the game down.
I have like the opposite problem with TS4 like there’s so little to do & it’s so repetitive it gets boring so fast. (& I have hella DLC too)
I thought I would be annoyed at the sims 2 bc of the graphics being outdated but after playing it’s more of an afterthought. & honestly it’s nice how quickly the game loads & never heats up or slows down my laptop. (Unlike the sims 4!)
Sims 2 get to work does not have the "extra" careers that sims 4 get to work because they all came in base game already 🤣
So long as you can get used to the graphics and the fact that houses will kind of all end up looking the same ts2 is more fun to play imo. Weirdly I can handle the graphics of 2 but not of 3.
The flower arranging came in open for business. I believe
Dude, Sims 2 Freetime is nothing but gameplay. There’s so much for your Sims to do. Sims 4 needs a hobby pack so, so badly.
My take away is we need more worlds more often and personally I want ballet it’s something I’ve wanted for so long and loved having my sims take it up 😢
Satch, seriously, I'm currently playing Sims 4 but seeing your reviews has made me want to try Sims 2/3 🙃
This is a great video! I've been playing since ts1 came out when I was a kid and I forgot about some of the amazing features of the packs 😍 Ts4 could never lol
Sims 2 u can build a whole apartment!!! On every floor!!
I love the toy making from Sims 2! Sims 2 open for business and sims 3 ambitions were amazing packs. Also I loved sims 2 apartment life because players could build their own apartments and townhomes.
I miss fury. Why did I think that Sims would get better as tech got better? What happened to improving upon what was already there. Such a shame.
Sims 2 Ofb is my favourite ever sims ep. You can pretty much make what ever business you want. Definitely not tied with sims 4 get to work.
You should do this with Sims 4 and 3
14:03 Flower arrangements were in Sims 2 Open for Business!
I always loved all the things they had in sims 2 and some things I loved from sims 3. I know this is an old video of yours, but I agree with you.
In general, I agree, but in gameplay Sims 2 wins every time. The hobby SYSTEM is something we do not have in Sims 4, the ability to basically assign a hobby, because though you can use all the hobby type objects in both your sim does not gravitate towards those interests in Sims 4, just based on the coding for those objects any/every sims will gravitate towards, whereas in Sims 2 they will want to do their hobby. That is generally the case with all the packs in Sims 2 versus Sims 4, because Sims 2 had a want system that made sims more individual whereas all Sims 4 sims are generic. They do things because YOU want them to, not because the sims are individual in their own interests. For me, Sims 2 wins hands down.
But most of all, back to my personal bandwagon, Sims 2 has PACK INTEGRATION !!! meaning all the packs work TOGETHER whereas Sims 4 all packs only really work with basegame because that's how they are made.
Sims 2 was way better than what we have now. Hopefully Sims5 is able to flesh out a lot more and give us more gameplay otherwise, I can see it failing.
I love the Sims 2. I've been playing since the original Sims came out, the Sims 2 was honestly just a fantastic game. I feel like the Sims 4 has a great deal of potential to also be a great game. Aside from annoying glitches, there is actually a huge amount of stuff to do in the game. What it's lacking is what the Sims 2 did very well, which was a system that gave you a reason to use everything in the game. The Wants and Fears really made you actually utilize what you had available to you. The Sims 4 has loads of stuff, but I forget so much of it even exists because the game does nothing to encourage me to use it. The other Sims games had a good ratio of sandbox to guided play, and the Sims 4 is 100% sandbox, which just isn't as fun.
sims 2 gameplay ist just a lot more fun. it's my favorite one.. cant tell why exactly.. maybe the love of detail for interactions between sims
I don’t mind the way Sims 4 has everything broken down into individual packs, if they worked! Sims 2 has so much crammed into each pack and it works.
I find myself drifting back to Sims 2 & 3, more than ever now, because I’ve spent so long hoping 4 would get better, and it just doesn’t.
I feel like the "argument" that some simmers make about Sims 4 and Sims 2 not being able to be compared because Sims 2 is much older so it could hold more stuff just doesn't hold up. People seem to forget that for its time, AKA 2004, Sims 2 was almost ahead of its time, really? Only 4 years prior The original Sims released. Look at the difference between those two. The Sims 4 was made 10 YEARS after TS2, yet has way less detail/depth/content. I find an issue with that. If anything The Sims 4 is not advanced enough for its current time period.
“The game is 10 years old” uh luv❤ thx for making me feel young again but I thenk ya mean 20
Sims 2 university came with the Cowplant which was way unforgiving than the Sims 4's as if a sim grabs the cake the sim simply disappears without the grim reaper to show up.
Well to be fair. Stuff should be stuff. I always knew that if it said stuff that it wouldn't come with systems so I wouldn't bother getting it. Now you have no idea what will be in the stuff pack and there are so many of them with random things. It used to just be DLC for systems and major things and stuff packs for little material extras. Personally I prefer it. Far more clear cut.
I love how The sims 4 is too family friendly for gambling, but you can still abuse your wife and cheat on her.