Upgrading a Complete Warm Shelter Out Of Mud, GirlTheBuilder Solo Bushcraft Camping Off Grid
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Upgrading a Complete Warm Shelter Out Of Mud, GirlTheBuilder Solo Bushcraft Camping Off Grid
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l love your shelter make out of mud you are so smart! looks pretty. 👍🥰
I like this one more 👍great job
Food looks great ❤
I 'think' I'm in Love!! This girl is so freaking outstanding.....'and she cooks too!👍😁
Excellent, beautiful work. This girl beats out Survivor Lilly.
Excellent and beautiful work
It's Beautiful I would love to live there.
Thank you for sharing your creations.
Hola saludos de Medellín Colombia🇨🇴 el mejor canal
Outstanding job awesome work impressive koudos young lady!
Absolutely beautiful work, and the food looks like it would be really good also
Bravo c'est super
Συγχαρητήρια η κατασκευή σου είναι η ομορφότερη πού έχω δει
I love it 💝
Very good interesting video👍🎥
Should be an AirBnB. ) I'd stay there.
In all these videos she as good appetite
Con gái mà khỏe ghê..lại giỏi nữa..
What were you making to eat in the fire at 21:13? It looks really good, I figured you were making onion rings :D
Come to think of it, you made alot of the onion rings but many of them seemed to vanish, where'd they go? :O
It looks like bacon wrapped onions. Still looks good
If you want an American husband let me know. You skills are impressive. Very admirable.. love your videos
Nhà đẹp nhưng chun vô hẹp quá..
Why the extra space if you are going to block it off?
Tengo el mismo problema con mi Silverado pero acabo de encontrar un vídeo donde se utiliza una inyección para pulgar la bomba, el video se encuentra en RUclips
How do you keep the snakes out?
Hola t obligan hacer esas " Idi...z".
I love your builds some of the things you do make No sense, like in this one why would you use a little basket, carrying baskets full of dirt to fill up the space, when you could have just use your shovel that you have.
Then you have the fact you patted it down using your scraper tool, instead of using your shovel which would have done a better job and a quicker job.
Then you have the fact that you use that little pot to fill water up to make the hard clay stepping stones that to me is ridiculous because you Woodbury refilling it every single time you make a load of clay mud up when you have used a bucket in other video's.
I do how ever like the fact that you're finally using a paintbrush to paint things instead of using your hand or making this believe you used a little piece of Bamboo to do it which in itself is just ridiculous.
You seriously need to rectify few things you do in your videos, so they make more sense.
Just my opinion Lily if thats your real name.
Love from Australia ❤❤🇦🇺🇦🇺
I've seen the making of these videos. You didn't make it alone, you edited it. All videos are Fake!!.
You have seen the making of her video's have you? Good then you should have absolutely NO problem proving it right?
Or is it just that you're another one of those "haters" shooting off your mouth with basis allegations that you can't back up with fact's.
And you're only evidence is a few other channels who were caught out being fake so that makes them all fake right?
FYI her videos are edited and time-lapsed, so they're short for us viewers to watch. Otherwise they would run on for months and months and months and I don't think many people want to see that. So they're Shortened for a reason, which for the record many RUclipsrs do not just her so that part of your arguement is just dumb.
So if you're so convinced her channel is fake Prove It Einstein, Come On let see your proof, ill wait.....
Very beautiful!