This was a fantastic banana bread recipe. I greased the bread pan with butter then dusted the greased pan with cinnamon sugar. So simple a recipe yet so good!! Thank you!
I made this for my Czech husband and we both like this recipe. Additonally, I add ground sausage, as thats how he remembered his mother's recipe however it is tasty as it is written.
This was a fantastic banana bread recipe. I greased the bread pan with butter then dusted the greased pan with cinnamon sugar. So simple a recipe yet so good!! Thank you!
While the picture doesn't do it justice, this is the best tasting of all the sausage, egg, cheese type breakfast casseroles on the internet. Especially if you're using quality sausage & eggs. You can't screw it up. I make this twice a month and freeze for an quick, easy, nutritious breakfast. I've used gluten free flour, forgot the flour, substituted ricotta, sour cream, when I didn't have cottage cheese. They all tasted fine. To mix it up a bit I'll put in poultry seasoning to make it have a taste like the old fashioned turkey stuffing. My most used recipe.
My new favorite Deviled Eggs recipe. I followed except I had to use Miracle Whip as I was out of Mayo and used a sprinkle of Cayenne & a dash or two of Cholula as I don't care for Siracha. I'll try it with mayo next time as It was fantastic even with what I used.
I've looked for years for a great spaghetti sauce recipe just like my mom used to make and we all adored. Unfortunately she passed on having never written it down. This recipe tastes just like it exactly as written. Thank you.
I followed the recipe (eventually). I forgot to pour in the heavy cream after I tasted about a half a cup worth. It was delicious without the cream but I went ahead and added it. I grow dinosaur kale in the backyard and so I've always used kale in Zuppa Toscano soup anyway and I'm not a spinach fan. I used mini yellow potatoes I sliced thinly. this is an excellent recipe. Thank you very much for sharing.
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